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The Jones Law Firm Blog

Holiday Visitation

Jimmy Stewart’s angel made it quite clear that no man that has friends is a failure. Bing Crosby and Danny Kay got the girls, the snow and reunited all their chums from WWII in White Christmas. Even the Griswald’s had Cousin Eddie. The point is that Holidays are made for family and...

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Check before you Check

Looking at you spouses email can be a tempting proposition.  The act has the potential to give you the keys to all of the questions that you have been asking.  But if it isn’t done correctly, the results can be devastating.  First, check out the recent news...

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Happy New Year (Tips for DUI’s)

Amateur hour is upon us. The one night a year when folks go out to forget about the troubles of the past and look forward to the promises of tomorrow. Some will go to parties in the homes of others, while the more adventurous will head out to bars, taverns and hotels. No matter where you decide...

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How Did Walt Disney Help Your Divorce?

Walt Disney was a genius. You can see it in everything that this now global billion dollar company lays hands on. But it wasn’t alway that way. DisneyLand opened on July 17th, 1955 to a crowd of some 30,000 invited guest and the event had so many troubles and malfunctions, it is still to...

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The Most Difficult Part Is Getting Started.

This Month, Associate Attorney Arthur Byrd, fresh off of several big Courtroom wins, gives us his thoughts on his chosen career, challenges, experience, and the value of determination.As a young attorney, the daily commute and work week comes with a gluttony of questions on a fairly regular...

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Life doesn’t always happen between 9 to 5. We understand that your legal needs don’t keep bankers hours; neither should your attorney.