A Great Idea
A week or two ago, my wife and I sat on our couch. We had a problem. I was spending far too many late nights at the office. Any attorney will tell you this goes with the territory. It multiplies exponentially when you go into business for yourself.
Add to this the duties that I have around the house, and the fact that I truly enjoy spending time with my family and you will see it equals an issue of sorts. The conflict is that I love my job. I love helping my clients, I love my staff, and I love working to make this site and our office better for you, our clients.
At the beginning of the year we took our first swing at fixing the problem. We would just see clients on tuesdays and we would see them up until 8:00 in the evening. This resulted in some late nights, but still clients that legitemitly needed our help were being wait listed. That in my opinion is not changing anybody’s perception of anything. If nothing else its adding to the stereotype.
Our solution sitting there on our ancient couch (if your reading this dear, a leather recliner can fit down the chimney…I checked with Santa) was to open up the flood gates and hold a seminar on either divorce or bankruptcy once a month. Actually it was mostly my wife’s idea, which once again shows that behind every mediocre man is a brilliant smoking hot women. This would allow everybody to come in and hear what we could do differently than the other guy (or gal) and then only those that wanted to hire our office would need to see us during or limited office hours.
We had our first seminar on Divorce tonight and I must say it went rather well. We announced it here on our website last week and I was worried no one would think the idea was as brilliant as I did. We had 7 registrants and 6 of them showed up. We got positive feedback and I think that it will turn into another way we can serve your better.
For those that missed tonight, don’t fret, you can catch the next Divorce Seminar the later part of next month and in two weeks we will have our first Bankruptcy Seminar. Each seminar lasts approximately one hour and I assure you it is not a glorified sales pitch. It is actual information that you can use whomever you choose to hire in your Memphis Divorce or Memphis Bankruptcy. I will have video from tonights presentation up shortly and you can see for yourself.
By attending you also qualify for some special rates.
To those that attended, thanks so much for making my wife’s brain child a success. If you did stop by, go to our google listing here and give us a review as to what you thought.
Its late, and I need to head home. I’m fairly certain though I can blame tonight on my wife….maybe